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EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness
EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness

EuropeActive Retention Report 2016: Adherence factors of group fitness

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The purpose of the EuropeActive Retention Report 2016 is to study the topic of group fitness. For many decades, the fitness industry has been debating member retention, and often it is stated that group fitness will retain more members then other types of programmes. It is clear that this is of importance in many ways in terms of exercise adherence, but also in membership retention (and predictability of payments). Until now, a systematic review on this topic has never been undertaken.It should be mentioned that the association itself is more complex than it seems at first hand. Questions such as, what is a group? And, how big should a group be? Or, if groups show higher rates in member retention, why is that? In other words, which systems or principles “do the job”? The fitness industry should not search for black and white answers. It should identify key drivers that are of influence to apply them in all situations and contexts to maximize member retention in fitness clubs. This can also positively affect for example small group training, boot-camp programmes, et cetera. This study is the first to give an extended overview of related scientific research, and is guided by the following research question: What is known in existing literature on adherence factors of group fitness in fitness clubs and factors related to group fitness and exercise behaviour in general, and which recommendations can be selected to increase the adaption and maintenance of group exercise behaviour?
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What is a group? And, how large should a group be? Or, if groups show higher member retention rates, what causes this? In other words, what systems or principles do the work?

The following question is the focus of this book: What is known in the existing literature about group fitness in fitness clubs and group exercise factors, and what recommendations can be made for the modification and maintenance of group exercise behavior?

In this book, you will gain insight into the factors that positively influence group fitness participant numbers. Did you know this? Intrinsic motivation and satisfaction, group cohesion, and support from family and social contacts (think other participants from the group class in question) are important factors for successful maintenance of

group classes. This survey has shown that classes where there is multi-participant cohesion have a higher attendance ratio and fewer dropouts.It has also shown that busy group classes (33-46 participants) have higher (weekly) attendance compared to group classes where there are fewer participants on average in a class. Do you want to know what other factors influence group classes and retention? If so, this book is the right book for you. This book is written for business owners and managers who want to know more about group classes.